We use a team approach with you being an active participant
Examples of Pharmonize’s Customized Consulting Services
Consultation is with a Wisconsin licensed pharmacist
Medication Review
Comprehensive Review of all of your medications, including:
- prescriptions
- non-prescriptions
- over the counter medications
- vitamins
- supplements
- Includes a master medication list and schedule for you to share with your health care providers
Supplement Consultation for Wellness
Comprehensive Review of supplements for your wellness goals, including:
- non-prescription options
- supplements
- vitamins
- over the counter medications
- recommend professional quality supplement options
- suggest professional quality supplement replacements
Organize My Medications
Simplify your medication schedule including:
- prescriptions
- non-prescriptions
- over the counter medications
- vitamins
- supplements
- Includes a master medication list and schedule for you to use for organizing your daily medications and to share with your health care providers
Professional Quality Supplements
Source specific professional quality supplements
- order professional quality replacements for general supplements
- order specific professional supplemnent you already know you desire
Personalized Medication/Supplement needs (excludes prescription dispensing)
Contact us to see how we can assist you with your specific need(s)